Frequently Asked Questions

What is holistic mental health coaching?

Health is a synergy of the body, the mind and the spirit, where one will undoubtedly affect the other. A holistic approach combines hypnotherapy, emotional freedom techniques, coaching, and if necessary, a look into diet and enforced with supplementation. This way, the client gets a holistic look into their concern. To find out more about each aspect, click here.

What can hypnotherapy and EFT help with?

These techniques can both help with a great number of challenges, from quitting addictions and losing weight to unlocking abundance and banishing phobias. It has been proven to help with various conditions, including; anxiety/depression, panic attacks, fertility, pain control, stress, etc.

But what really is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the complete relaxation of the nervous system, allowing the brain to expand and access memories from our past. The method that I use combines hypnotherapy with psychological exploration. It aims to get to the core of any psychological issue, removing/reprogramming it and replacing it with positivity for a better life.

Do you fall asleep during hypnotherapy?

No. Your eyes will be shut during the session, but you will be completely awake and interactive during the session. However, in a trance state, you will be working/accessing a bigger part of your brain. You will feel extremely relaxed, but your brain will be awake and working.

Are there any risks?

A qualified therapist will make sure that there are no risks during a therapy session, guiding the client towards what would help them the most. The brain will automatically reject anything that it does not agree with during techniques such as hypnosis and EFT tapping.

How long is a session?

A coaching session is around 1 hour. A hypnotherapy session will take around 1.5 hours.

More questions?

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